Top Professional SEO Consultants & Agencies

Getting tailored strategies from professional SEO consultants to drive traffic, increase visibility, and boost conversions shouldn’t be hard…

(We can’t guarantee your traffic goes up, but yes, this is an actual client)

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SEO Services
Conference & Event Speaking
More Recommended Agencies & Consultants

New: Looking for quick SEO advice but not sure you need complete consulting services? Book an SEO Strategy call with Cyrus Shepard today. If your traffic has been impacted by recent Google updates, for a short time we also offer a special Google Traffic Recover Audit.

Professional SEO Consulting Services

Audits & Troubleshooting

Technical SEO

Maintaining a robust technical SEO foundation is the cornerstone of ranking in Google, and also can provide additional opportunities. With audits and troubleshooting, we can address potential issues, bolster site health, and enhance your online visibility.

Keywords & Architecture

Content Strategy

Engaging, relevant content helps attract and retain your audience. This service focuses on developing a tailored content and keyword strategy that not only drives traffic but also resonates with your audience and reflects your brand identity.

Ranking Details

On-Page SEO

Fine-tuning on-page elements can significantly improve your visibility on search engine results. On-page SEO focuses on optimizing aspects like metadata, structured data, content, and internal linking strategies to enhance your SERP ranking and reach.

Large Sites

Enterprise SEO

Large-scale websites bring unique SEO challenges. Enterprise SEO is designed to manage these complexities, ensuring your website’s expansive structure and content remain optimized, competitive, and highly visible in the digital arena.

Deep Dive

Site Audits

Uncovering and addressing potential SEO issues is key to a website’s success, and that’s where site audits come in. By diagnosing and resolving issues that hinder your performance in search, let’s help ensure your website is operating at its full potential to drive higher traffic.

Products & Conversions

Ecommerce SEO

Visibility is paramount in the bustling online marketplace. Ecommerce SEO aims to optimize all elements of your online store, from product descriptions to user reviews, enabling you to stand out, attract more customers, and boost conversions.

Go Global

International SEO

As your business reaches out across borders, your SEO strategy needs to follow suit. International SEO ensures that your website is optimized for various languages and regions, helping you connect with your global audience in a Google-friendly way.

Legal Cases

Expert Witness

I have experience working as an SEO Expert Witness in the areas of Search Engine Optimization and Digital Marketing, including depositions, expert witness reports, and forensic research.

Ongoing Help

Site Recovery

If you’ve been impacted by a recent Google update, we may be able to help recover some or all of your traffic. While recovery can’t be guaranteed, our clients have a success rate well above industry averages.

How it works

I help all kinds of websites solve the most difficult challenge in Google search: gaining visibility and growing better traffic.

Every business is unique, with unique SEO challenges. Whether you’re an e-commerce site looking to increase conversions, a startup looking for traction, a news site looking for more readers, or even an affiliate site looking to attract more qualified visitors, chances are I have the tools to do the job.

Check out our consulting services below. Each month, I’m available for a small number of new SEO and growth projects. If you’re interested in learning more or simply want to see if we might be a good fit for each other, send a message.

Cyrus Shepard at MozCon

Conference & Event Speaking

Interested in booking Cyrus Shepard for your next conference or event? Cyrus presents and emcees two to three events each year at different locations around the world.

Learn more about booking Cyrus as an SEO speaker for your event.

Cyrus Shepard - Professional SEO Consultant

More Recommended Professional SEO Consultants & Agencies

We often recommend other SEO agencies and independent consultants to work with. These agencies and consultants have been vetted by us or people we trust in the SEO industry.

1. Local SEO Agencies

If you need local SEO services for one or multiple locations, we recommend reaching out to the following companies:

  1. WhiteSpark:
  2. Rickety Roo:
  3. Sterling Sky:

These companies can help your local store or service area business generate more traffic and leads within specific cities and geographical areas.

2. Sure Oak SEO Agency

Sure Oak is an SEO agency offering a comprehensive range of services, including full-service SEO campaigns, link building, on-page optimization, and SEO content development.

Sure Oak SEO Services

Sure Oak focuses on understanding client business goals, leveraging current trends, and focusing on high-intent keywords to increase traffic, leads, and revenue. Many high-visibility brands trust Sure Oak to deliver results and improvements in search rankings and conversions.


3. Moz Recommended List

The Moz Recommended List of SEO Consultants and Agencies is put together by the folks at Moz, one of the most highly trusted SEO companies on the planet.

Services include virtually all aspects of Search Engine Optimization and digital marketing, including Technical SEO, Local SEO, Social Media, International strategies, ecommerce, and more.

Moz Recommended SEO Agencies

To be honest, this list is pretty popular. This means that you might find it hard to hire–or even get a response from–many of the people on this list. Budgets tend to be higher too. That said, the quality of help and expertise is top-notch.


4. Credo

Credo specializes in matching websites with vetted agencies. If you can’t find what you’re looking for in an SEO consultant, or you simply need help finding the right consultant, give them a try.
